Tuesday, July 23, 2013

hi I don't have any fights but we will have some soon - Sofia

Mork v.s Spock

MORK                 V.S              SPOCK

The Spock sign has a more natural look to it, a nice comfortable looking position. Mork's is sideways, uneven and it looks awkward and uncomfortable. Spock DEFINITELY wins. - Sofia

From a combat perspective, Spock's vulcan sign is kind of intimidating. It's in your face and if someone did that to me I think I would back off. Mork's Nanu-Nanu is kind of reminiscent of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and that's really a game for kids. So Spock for sure.  - John

Shampoo v.s. Conditioner

SHAMPOO            V.S.           CONDITIONER

Personally, I think Shampoo is the official winner as it has the power of foam. Conditioner doesn't, it just has slide.   - Sofia

I agree, Shampoo is really the first and foremost hair product that you think about when you get into the shower. Conditioner, I don't even know if they had Conditioner back in the day. You never thought "OK, I think I'll put some Conditioner in my hair." It's always a reaction TO Shampoo.                       - John

That's exactly right. Shampoo is the stuff that actually CLEANS the hair. Conditioner is really just for people who want to show off about how many products they have in their shower. - Emma